Panel Software
Deploying SvelteKit

Use SvelteKit with Direct Admin

This is assuming you've already created a SvelteKit app.

Build SvelteKit using the node-adapter.

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node';
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter({
      out: ".dist",
export default config;

Setup files for deployment

In your SvelteKit directory, run npm run build, which, after completion, creates a .dist folder. Now, create a new folder and add your .dist folder, package.json, and package-lock.json files to it. Next, navigate to this folder in the command line and type npm ci --omit dev, which generates a node_modules folder with just the needed files. Archive these files and upload them to your DirectAdmin webserver, then unarchive them. Now, create a file in the same folder as where you uploaded your archive called run.cjs. This file will contain the following:

// run.cjs
(() => import("./.dist/index.js"))();

Setting up the server

Head to Node.js Server (opens in a new tab) setup, and create your Node.js server. Choose 16.20.2 from the Node.js drop-down and select Production in the Application Mode drop-down. In the Application Root text box, type in the location on the webserver where you uploaded your files. This already has the /home/example inputted by default, so you only need to put the folder's location after that. In the Application URL drop-down, select the domain you'd like to use. Finally, type the application's startup file, which is the run.cjs we created earlier. Press create.

Verify it's working

To verify it's working, visit the domain you selected and wait for it to load. If it displays an error, please contact support.